Concrete to Culture

A project for new public space among Sofia's post-socialist tower blocks that I helped conceive and manage won a New European Bauhaus Prize. We transformed a rooftop with lots of art. We built an outdoor stage, seating, food pavilions, sports facilities and a playground. Local residents were an integral part of the design process. This is the 3rd year in a row that my organization, The Collective, has been shortlisted for the prestigious New European Bauhaus prizes, and the 2nd year in a row that we receive a prize. We can hardly believe it ourselves. The organization itself is only 4 years old! We keep dreaming up and building great shared spaces.
Sanjeev Khagram

“Pioneer When Others Retreat”: Why Digital Learning Can Be Powerful (Interview)

What if digital learning was not a compromise, but a chance to achieve even more? Dr Sanjeev Khagram shares a radical vision for transforming higher education and vocational learning. He is the Director-General and Dean of the Thunderbird School of Global Management, Arizona State University. Dr Khagram explains why educators have reason to be excited about digital learning, and what they need to do to make the most of it.
Susanne Mull

At Home in This Place

Describing her studio, Mull says, “It’s a little bit similar to Adolph Menzel’s Balcony Room.” The 1845 German painting readily evokes the artist’s serene, sun-filled space with tall ceilings and French doors opening to a balcony. Mull’s home—a top-heavy 19th-century building with a Mansard roof—keeps her connected to the past. So, too, does the region of Rheinhessen in which she lives. This area was a stomping ground for the German Romantics...
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